Fact: 9.1 Million
According to Australia Post, for the first time in Australian eCommerce history, participation passed the nine million household mark in the last financial year! Not surprisingly, ‘Home & Garden’ and ‘Food & Liquor’ were the 2 categories above national average growth.
So if the pandemic has taught us anything (besides how to take daily Covid safe measures and the importance of a fully stocked bar fridge during homeschooling) it’s that online shopping, through choice and/or circumstance, has well and truly been adopted by Australia, and more and more businesses are jumping on the bandwagon by being eCommerce ready.
If you are interested in getting online don’t hesitate to give us a call on 4641 0214 or click the button below to send an online enquiry. We service many local businesses in the Macarthur area and are located in Argyle Street Camden.
Data source: https://auspost.com.au/…/access-data…/ecommerce-trends